This post originally appeared on Marketplace Advertiser, QuantumListing Blog and is republished with permission. Find out how to syndicate your content with theBrokerList.

Are you concerned that your listings are not getting enough traffic? Social media is a powerful tool to increase your listings’ visibility.
LinkedIn and Twitter have hundreds of millions of monthly active users. Facebook and Instagram have over a billion monthly active users. You want your listings on social media because that is where the traffic is.
If you have business social media accounts, add a link to your profile. This way visitors can see all of your listings at once. You should also add a link to each of your listings on QuantumListing. If you have a company website, you should add links on social media platforms to that as well.
Does Your Website Have a Million Monthly Visits?
It is unlikely that your company website has a million monthly active users. Because of the volume of people on social media, adding these links will increase the visibility of your listings. It only takes one click from the right person to make a deal.
The most effective way to get more followers on social networking sites is to create content that will interest people. Not everyone has the time or ability to create regular blog posts. Sharing your profile and your listings are easy and effective ways to create content. You are repurposing what you have already created, so you are not making a lot of extra work for yourself.
Push the Button Regularly
QuantumListing has buttons that make it fast and easy for you to post your listings, too. Click on the sharing icon, select the social media you want to post to, write your post and send. It just takes a few minutes for you to become a social media marketer.
However, you need to consistently publish your content to keep your audience coming back. Find a rhythm that works for you, say, once a week, and stick with it. To help you get in the habit, add a reminder to your calendar.
Social Media Posts + CRE Listings = More Traffic
We have QuantumListing members that have several thousand followers on popular social media sites. From our Google Analytics account, we can see weekly spikes in traffic to their QuantumListing profiles when they add new content.
Another of our users had a popular restaurant for sale on our site. They posted it to Facebook and got hundreds of views from that. Another member was selling an historic building and posted that on Facebook as well with a similar result.
Having a great featured picture for your listing is helpful in getting people to click. Make sure it is well lit and in focus so that it draws viewers’ attention. Even if the person clicking on your listing is not the ultimate customer, they might mention it to someone who is.
You’ll really get lucky if they share it with their followers, too! Don’t be shy about asking people to share your content if they like it. If they do, you can leverage their network. If you tag QuantumListing on your post, we will be happy to share it when we get notified.
Social Media Posts + CRE Listings + Search Engines = WAY More Traffic
Social media posts can be a great traffic source for your listings. As an example, when you select to make your profile public on Facebook, search engines can index your page.
This way your listings have a chance to be included in search engine result pages. The same is true for other social media posts.
It is unlikely that your business website is as optimized for search engines as the social media behemoths. Driving external traffic organically to your listings with links is free. You don’t need to spend a lot of money on LinkedIn or Facebook ads.
Seize the Strategic Advantage
Are you convinced that it is important to share your profile and listings to social media? If not, there is one more important reason to consider. You want to be able to tell prospective clients that you have a social media strategy when you are pitching new listings.
Don’t give your competition a strategic advantage. Start today and you will be giving yourself a powerful tool to keep your sales funnel full.
Still Don’t Know What to Do Next? WE CAN HELP!
QuantumListing has many resources to help you on your social media marketing journey. They include our How It Works articles, Blog posts, and Webinars. You can also schedule a demo for a one-on-one discussion to help you get started.
Watch: It takes less than a minute to share your profile to LinkedIn
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